Are you tired of fighting against your own excuses and not achieving your goals? Do you feel guilty after procrastinating and seeing all the accumulated tasks at the end of the day? It doesn’t have to be that way. Here are 47 uplifting affirmations to stop procrastinating and finally manifest your wildest dreams!

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- What Are Affirmations And How Do They Work?
- How To Do Affirmations Correctly?
- 47 Affirmations To Stop Procrastinating And Smash Your Goals
- Bonus #1: Affirmations For Laziness
- Bonus #2: Affirmations For Self-love
- How Do I Rewire My Brain To Stop Procrastinating?
- Wrapping Up: 47 Affirmations To Stop Procrastinating And Smash Your Goals
47 Unbelievably Effective Affirmations To Stop Procrastinating
Have you ever found yourself doing any of these instead of getting stuff done?:
- Checking phone notifications
- Replying to e-mails
- Scrolling in social media
- Tackling easy tasks first
- Waiting for the perfect moment
- Etc.
We ALL procrastinate in so many ways!
Fortunately, there are methods to overcome procrastination and trick your brain into doing things it doesn’t like.
One of those methods is affirmations, a wonderful manifestation technique that helps you gain more confidence in yourself and develop laser-sharp focus.
But what exactly are affirmations and how can you leverage their mighty power?
Let’s find out.
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What Are Affirmations And How Do They Work?
We are constantly talking to ourselves in our minds.
The things we say to ourselves can be either negative or positive.
But, when we constantly blame ourselves for everything or let our inner critic say nasty things to us, this can wreak havoc on our minds and bodies.
‘I can’t do this’.
‘This is not gonna work’.
‘I’m so bad at this!’.

You can combat this negative self-talk by transforming it into positive statements, better known as affirmations that you repeat to yourself.
With that in mind, the previous negative statements would look this way:
‘I can’t do this’ → ‘I’ve got this’
‘This is not gonna work’ → ‘I can accomplish anything I focus on’
‘I’m so bad at this!’ → ‘I don’t quit; I learn from my mistakes and keep going’
In a nutshell, affirmations are positive statements that you say to yourself to boost your confidence and get rid of the negativity that holds you back from success.
These are even used as part of psychological treatments!
How To Do Affirmations Correctly?
There’s no correct or wrong way of doing affirmations as it depends on personal preferences.
Some people prefer saying affirmations out loud, while others prefer writing them down on a piece of paper.
The key here is repeating each affirmation between 5 to 10 times, daily.
Below you’ll find a list of pre-made affirmations to stop procrastinating, but you can definitely choose the ones that resonate with you and adapt them to your needs.
Just make sure to always say affirmations in the present tense.
This way, you trick your brain into thinking that the stuff you’re saying is already part of your reality!

47 Affirmations To Stop Procrastinating And Smash Your Goals
I’ve curated this list of affirmations to stop procrastinating plus some lovely bonuses that’ll catapult your success!
Make sure to repeat them every day to rewire your brain and smash your goals.
Living the life you deserve is possible!
1. I’m committed to making my dreams come true.
2. I finish what I start.
3. I understand that done is better than perfect.
4. Every step I make brings me closer to the life I deserve.
5. I do what’s needed, not what I want.
6. I’m focused and ready to tackle any challenge ahead.
7. I release all resistance and embrace the power of productivity.
8. I’m in total control of my time and make conscious choices that support my progress.
9. I trust in my ability to remain focused to accomplish the tasks of the day.
10. I’m committed to working only on high-priority tasks.

11. I’m inspired by the reward of getting things done.
12. I have a deep sense of purpose that makes a positive difference to me and others.
13. I’m the maker of my own life.
14. I’m fully present and ready to work on my dreams.
15. I’m organized and know exactly what are today’s responsibilities.
16. I choose to beat self-doubt and believe in myself.
17. I’m proactive and take the initiative to get work done.
18. I use each moment as an opportunity to make progress.
19. I value my time and I don’t let anything interrupt my flow.

20. I’m resilient and bounce back quickly from difficulties or distractions.
21. I understand that I’m not lazy and that I’m committed to being the best version of myself.
22. I replace self-sabotage with self-discipline.
23. I approach each task with happiness, love, and enthusiasm.
24. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work on my dreams.
25. I’m focused on progress, not perfection.
26. I’m surrounded by a supportive environment that encourages productivity.
27. I learn from my mistakes to improve every day.
28. I set clear deadlines and hold myself accountable for meeting them.

29. I am in total control of my thoughts and choose to cultivate a positive mindset.
30. I find creative solutions to overcome daily challenges.
31. I prioritize my tasks and eliminate distractions.
32. I let go of toxic habits and embrace a new proactive mindset.
33. I’m disciplined and avoid time-wasting activities.
34. I work on my goals whichever is the result.
35. I have the power to change my life through consistency.
36. I can complete my work efficiently and effectively.
37. I deserve the success I desire and I take the necessary steps to achieve it.
38. I release all excuses and take action.

39. I see setbacks as opportunities for growth.
40. I’m worthy of success.
41. I take small steps that lead to big accomplishments.
42. I release all limiting beliefs and embrace my true potential.
43. I don’t quit; I learn from my mistakes and keep going.
44. I’m enough and fully capable of getting things done.
45. I’m not lazy and take action even when I feel unmotivated.
46. I work smartly, not harder, to achieve my goals.
47. I free myself from analysis paralysis.
Bonus #1: Affirmations For Laziness

There are lots of people searching affirmations for laziness but one thing is for sure:
You are not lazy!
When you feel demotivated to complete a complex task and choose to check your socials or watch Netflix (two common procrastination examples), you are not being lazy: it’s your brain protecting you from stress and frustration.
Your brain prefers immediate rewards, and that’s why it prefers to avoid difficult tasks, even if they have positive results in the long run.
Anyways, here are 10 affirmations to complete tasks and overcome that feeling of demotivation:
- I tackle my tasks with joy and energy.
- I’m committed to avoiding distractions.
- My inner passion fuels my progress.
- I take consistent action toward my goals.
- I have the power to fight my mind and do complex things.
- I understand that motivation is useless and self-discipline is the only path to success.
- I can complete any high-priority task that comes my way.
- I’m committed to avoiding instant gratification and working on my dreams instead.
- I celebrate my accomplishments, which inspire me to keep going.
- I am empowered to create a distraction-free environment.
Bonus #2: Affirmations For Self-love
Cultivating self-love empowers you to be resilient, avoid comparing yourself with others, and take healthy risks.
It’s about understanding that you are enough and freeing yourself from the self-limiting beliefs that harm your mental well-being.
If you want to have a better relationship with yourself and others, repeat the following affirmations for self-love:
- I’m worthy and beautiful just as I am
- No one and nothing can disturb my inner peace
- I choose to treat myself with kindness and respect
- I celebrate my past, present, and future self
- I am deserving of happiness, joy, love, and success
- I trust in my heart’s desires and stay authentic with myself
- I nourish my mind, body, and soul with love and care every day
- I love myself unconditionally
- I radiate love and compassion toward myself and others
- I am grateful to be the person I am

How Do I Rewire My Brain To Stop Procrastinating?
Based on all these affirmations for procrastination, you can infer that success comes down to having a positive mindset.
Positive mindset = positive self-talk = positive choices/actions = SUCCESS
Sounds good and easy, but cultivating self-discipline is challenging.
If you want to speed up the process, here are my top tips on how to rewire your brain to stop procrastinating:
Take Charge
No one is gonna come for you and save you from your own habits.
If you want a change, you’ll have to take full responsibility for your life.
Nothing comes for free, honey!
So, the first step to overcoming procrastination is actually recognizing that you are procrastinating and then making an anti-procrastination plan with the next steps.
Work On Your Health

Your health encompasses your mind, body, and soul.
First, be sure to take care of your nutrition and sleep well.
Your brain cannot work efficiently without fuel and rest!
Avoid foods high in sugars, fats, and oils and include plenty of veggies and fruits in your diet.
Second, work out at least 3 days a week.
I cannot stress enough the importance of moving your body.
When you give your extra in your workout session, you give your extra in every sphere of your life.
Third, nourish your soul.
Meditate, practice gratitude, spend time in nature, be kind to yourself, help others without expecting anything in return, and connect to something greater than yourself, like God or the Universe itself.
To further improve your mental well-being, you can always get professional support to get rid of your procrastination habits. I highly recommend ONLINE THERAPY for its outstanding service and warm-hearted professionals. Get 20% OFF your first month with my special link!
Identify Your Purpose
Most people feel lost in life due to a lack of purpose.
In turn, this lack of purpose leads them to lose time in trivial activities.
And it makes sense.
How on Earth would you know what to do if you don’t have dreams or a clear mission?
Grab a piece of paper and write down what you want from life.

Do you want to become a badass business owner in the next 5 years?
Do you want to become a specialist in your industry?
Or maybe build passive income streams to retire early and dedicate your time to your family?
It all depends on you and your preferences.
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Set Priority Tasks
Once you know exactly what your goals are, it’s time to divide those goals into tasks and those tasks into smaller tasks.
Now, not all tasks are important.
You want to focus only on those that bring you closer to your dreams.
Try to set one to three high-priority tasks for the day and get rid of any useless activity.
Remember that being busy does not equal being productive.
Eliminate Distractions

Distractions create dopamine, the hormone of pleasure.
What you need to do now is to do a dopamine detox.
Netflix, social media, TV, high-calorie snacks—all these create an excessive amount of dopamine, which makes us addicted to stimuli.
If you want to take your life from average to extraordinary, start decluttering your mind and environment to achieve maximum efficiency.
Accept Imperfection
Again, done is better than perfect.
You could make one thousand tweaks to make something better, but still it’s not gonna be perfect.
Accept imperfection and keep going.
Remember that those who are successful are doers, not gods.
Then, you will only achieve your dreams only if you make progress, step by step.
If you wait for the right moment to start pursuing your dreams, believe me, you’ll never do it.
You are enough and the best moment to start is NOW.

Follow The ‘5-Second Rule’
Again, if you are struggling to develop your self-discipline, use the ‘5-second rule’ from best-selling author and speaker Mel Robbins.
It basically consists in counting backwards to do an important task, break a bad habit, or get rid of fear.
Waking up in the morning is difficult?
5, 4, 3, 2, 1—you jump out of bed like a NASA rocket, without giving your mind a moment to make up an excuse.
Having self-doubts? Feeling bored doing a task?
5, 4, 3, 2, 1—you interrupt any toxic state of mind and keep going.
For me, this rule has worked wonders. Try it out!
Wrapping Up: 47 Affirmations To Stop Procrastinating And Smash Your Goals
So there you have it!
This blog was all about the best affirmations for procrastination.
We’ve covered a list of affirmations to stop procrastination, affirmations for laziness, and affirmations for self-love.
We also explored procrastination psychology and provided some tips to overcome procrastination to finally smash your goals.
Do you have any other uplifting affirmations to share with the community?
If you do, please leave them in the comments section below; I’d love to read them!
And remember: you have all that it takes to beat procrastination and work towards your dreams.
Cultivate your self-discipline and enjoy the reward of living a purpose-guided life!

- From Passive to Powerful: +41 Life-Changing Affirmations For Assertiveness
- +31 Powerful Affirmations To Achieve Goals And Manifest Your Dream Life
- Unleash Your Inner Hero: +53 Empowering Affirmations for Bravery!
- +53 Positive Affirmations For Wealth And Health To Attract Infinite Abundance
- How To Have a Productive Week: Tips for Jaw-dropping Results
- Feeling stuck? Not with this Productive Summer Morning Routine
- Get Everything You Want With This Law Of Attraction Morning Routine
- 16 Habits of Poor People and How to Break Them
- 10 Powerful Steps to Developing a Wealthy Mindset

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