Did it ever happen to you that you start working on a goal with motivation and then that excitement slowly fades off? There’s a brilliant strategy that works wonders and that’s what we’ll cover today: keep reading to discover how to stop procrastinating on your goals by using the Seinfeld strategy.

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How To Stop Procrastinating On Your Goals By Using The Seinfeld Strategy? [ANSWERED]
A couple of months ago, I came across a strategy that completely changed the way I build habits and meet my goals.
In the past, I used to start something great and then lose the motivation to do it anymore and I just couldn’t understand why that was happening to me.
Turns out it’s pretty common and there’s a scientific reason behind it.
Let’s find out why we lose motivation and how to solve it with the best strategy to stay consistent and beat procrastination once and for all.

Why Do I Get Motivation Then Lose It?
Imagine yourself taking on an exciting project.
You’re super motivated and work on it for three or four days with passion and energy.
Then suddenly you start feeling bored and procrastinate on your tasks.
Sound familiar?
This is due to the lack of immediate reward.

Your brain LOVES immediate rewards; it just can’t live with those pleasurable doses of dopamine.
That’s why it’s so easy to stop doing what you should be doing and go watch Netflix instead.
Working on your goals and habits means not seeing results for a long time and your brain hates the idea of delaying gratification.
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How Can I Motivate Myself With The Seinfeld Strategy?
One of the most successful comedians of all time, Jerry Seinfeld, has developed a method to stay consistent throughout the years and achieve jaw-dopping results in his professional career.
It’s so simple but so effective!
Let me explain it to you in three short steps.
1. Set Up A New Habit
Trying to achieve a goal with no plan will get you nowhere.
What is the thing you should do every day to achieve it?
Let’s say you want to write a book.
Building the habit of writing 500-1000 words per day is a pretty good idea.
Or maybe you want to lose weight.
You could set the habit of working out 15′ per day at a minimum.
Get the idea?
The key here is that the habit should possible and realistic.
2. Get A Calendar

The second step is to get a calendar and stick it to a wall.
You can also have it near you on your office desk or get a digital one.
The idea is to have it visible.
Now, perform the task you set in Step 1 and put a big X on the calendar once you do it.
Making a cross on the calendar will give you a shot of dopamine that will resemble an instant reward and your brain will love it.
Just as crossing off an item on a to-do list, making a cross on your calendar will feel great too!
3. Build A Chain Of X’s
This is the most important step of the method, the essence of the Seinfeld strategy to stop procrastinating on your goals.
Once you mark a cross on your calendar, keep repeating Step 2 to make a chain of X’s.
The idea here is not breaking the chain.

Soon, you’ll notice that you won’t be able to pass another day without doing your tasks.
It will just become second nature.
And seeing the chains of X’s on your month will make you feel so proud of yourself.
It’s a way of proving to yourself that you CAN be consistent and make new habits stick.
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7 Reasons To Use The Seinfeld Strategy
The Seinfeld Strategy to stop procrastinating on your goals works and here’s why:
1. It Builds A Habit
Building a habit at first is difficult, but once you incorporate it into your daily routine it becomes automatic.
This way, you eliminate the temptation not to do it and little to no willpower is required to perform the task at hand.
The best part is that the Seinfeld strategy breaks down a big goal into small daily habits that can add up to massive results over time.
Never underestimate the cumulative effect of tiny actions!
2. It Focuses On The Process
Humans tend to focus on results rather than the process, but… Is it the best way to achieve goals?
One thing is for sure: you can’t control the result but you CAN control the process.
If you focus on doing a task each day, the result desired is inevitable.
It doesn’t matter how long it takes you; you will achieve it sooner or later.
That’s the beauty of shifting the focus from results to the process.
It turns a complicated goal into a manageable and realistic plan of action.

3. It Makes New Habits Fun
One key point to make habits stick is to make them fun.
Do you wonder how many people start building a habit and then abandon it?
Partly, it’s because there’s no reward for repeating a habit.
And this is just what the Seinfeld Strategy does.
Putting an X on the calendar when you perform a daily task injects a shot of dopamine into your brain.
And the challenge of not breaking the chain of X’s further gamifies the whole process.
4. It Fosters Consistency
Going to the gym once in a blue moon won’t get you fit but showing up at least three times a week will.
That’s the power of consistency: the behavior of repeating things every day no matter if you feel happy, sad, motivated, or bored.
The premise of the Seinfeld strategy is simple: you should not break the chain of X’s.
Soon after implementing this strategy, you’ll notice that it becomes so painful to break the chain even one single day!
When you reach this point, the habit is totally automatic and you will feel that something is missing if you don’t do it.
5. It Stops Procrastination
Procrastination hits hard when we face a challenging and complex task.
It’s just so overwhelming that your brain identifies as a red flag for your well-being and prefers to pass the time doing more enjoyable and easy tasks, like scrolling on social media and checking your WhatsApp messages.

But the Seinfeld strategy breaks a complex goal into small and simple tasks, so there’s no need to freak out when you have to do it.
Plus, the consistency developed leaves no room for excuses and waste of time.
6. It Boosts Your Self-esteem
Looking at your calendar and seeing how consistent you’re being each day fills you with an incredible sense of pride and confidence.
It’s the beauty of making a habit stick.
And when you keep repeating a good habit, this creates a snowball effect, as your consistency replicates in other areas of your life and makes it easier to develop more healthy habits.
It’s a virtuous cycle of positivism for your well-being.
7. It’s Easy To Implement
The Seinfeld strategy is a simple method to stop procrastinating on your goals: you only need a calendar and a marker.
That’s it!
Unlike other methods, this strategy consists of only three easy steps, which simplifies the whole process.
And as it’s straightforward, you are focused directly on the one specific task you should perform on a particular day and you don’t need any external assistance or circumstance.
This means that anyone can apply this strategy, whatever their goals or professions.
Why Consistency Is So Important
People tend to get stressed when losing motivation.
If you feel this way, you’re probably asking yourself:
‘Why do I lack motivation?’
‘I’ve lost all motivation. How can I regain it?’
This is because you start something with lots of energy and then that excitement fades off.
Low motivation, eventually, causes people to give up and wait for a magic solution to recover their inner spark.

Unfortunately, motivation sucks because it comes and goes.
The only way to roll up your sleeves and get down to work is by relying on consistency.
Consistency is the key to success because it focuses on doing things regularly even when you don’t feel like it.
This gives you a competitive advantage over a great part of society, as consistency is an underrated value that can transform your life from average to extraordinary.
Always remember that ‘Success is a few good habits repeated every day‘ (-Jim Rohn).
Wrapping Up: How To Stop Procrastinating On Your Goals By Using The Seinfeld Strategy?
So there you have it!
This blog was all about how to stop procrastinating on your goals by using the Seinfeld strategy.
We’ve covered what this strategy was about, why it works, and the reasons to implement it in your life.
Personally, I love it.
The Seinfeld strategy is one of those anti-procrastination techniques that are simple, straightforward, and easy to use right away.
I’d never have imagined that putting X’s on a calendar would be so motivating and fun!
What about you? Are you ready to apply it?
You soon will realize that this is a fantastic way of overcoming procrastination and crashing your goals.
Just remember: DON’T BREAK THE CHAIN!

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