Ready to manifest your wildest dreams? The Law of Attraction offers powerful techniques to raise your vibration right from the start of the day and switch to a positive mindset to get what you want. This law of attraction morning routine will teach you how to apply those tools and achieve your dream life in the fastest way possible.

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- This Law Of Attraction Morning Routine Will Change Your Life
- What Is The Law Of Attraction?
- Why You Should Start A Law Of Attraction Morning Routine?
- What Is The Most Powerful Law Of Attraction Technique?
- What Are The Golden Rules of Law Of Attraction?
- How Does The Reticular Activating System Affect Behaviour?
This Law Of Attraction Morning Routine Will Change Your Life
This compilation of morning rituals is crafted to set you up for law of attraction success.
If ‘like attracts the like’, let’s start the day with a positive mindset to achieve extraordinary results!
Before diving into it, let’s go over the basics of the law of attraction to better understand how it works its magic.
What Is The Law Of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction, one of the 12 universal laws, is the spiritual belief that like attracts like.
In other words, positive thoughts bring positive outcomes and negative thoughts lead to negative outcomes.
Based on this rule, we can say that, with every thought, we are creating our reality.
Skeptical about this?
Keep on reading to discover how a law of attraction morning routine can help you become a super-strong magnet of happiness, abundance, and opportunities.

Why You Should Start A Law Of Attraction Morning Routine?
Having a morning routine focused on the law of attraction allows you to make better use of your time and bring good things into your life.
This is because, while others live randomly and start their day with high levels of stress, you can use the first hours of the day to incorporate healthy habits, such as saying affirmations, meditating, and reading, that help you live with purpose and create the life you want.
Most of these habits are skipped with the famous excuse ‘I don’t have time’.
However, waking up early gives you those extra hours needed to adopt new rituals.
Those hours are your ‘Me Time’, so make sure to squeeze the most juice out of it.
- Feeling stuck? Not with this Productive Summer Morning Routine
- How To Have a Productive Week: Tips for Jaw-dropping Results
What Is The Most Powerful Law Of Attraction Technique?
There’s not just one, but multiple techniques that you can implement into your law of attraction morning routine to manifest your desires effectively:
- Smiling
- Gratitude
- Meditation
- Affirmations
- Visualization
- Journaling
- Writing down your goals
- Reading
- Mirror Work
Right after waking up, smile.
It doesn’t matter if it feels awkward or silly!
Smiling for a few seconds, even if you fake it, has many benefits that you can enjoy all day long.
How come?
When you smile, you stimulate your brain’s amygdala, which releases dopamine and serotonin.
These neurotransmitters will help you not only reduce stress but also experience a boost in your mood and build your immune system.
Pretty awesome, ah?
And all this is possible even if your smile is not genuine.
We all have bad days or days when we don’t feel so cheerful, but smiling is the first positive action we can take in the morning to stay upbeat all day long.
Your brain won’t tell the difference and you’ll feel amazing!
Did you smile yet?
Great, now it’s time to practice gratitude, another fantastic law of attraction technique.
We all have things to be grateful for, even if they are the simplest ones.
Don’t know where to start?
Here are some ideas to inspire you:
- Your senses: the ability to see, smell, hear, touch, and taste
- The love of a relative or a friend
- What you’ve accomplished so far
- What you’ve learned from your mistakes
- A warm bed
- The beauty of nature
- The ‘me time’ you are taking for yourself to practice gratitude

If you choose to express gratitude in your mind, that’s great, but keeping a gratitude journal is even better!
Grab a pen and write down what you are grateful for and why you are feeling that way.
This technique works wonders for your general well-being, focusing on the positive aspects of your life instead of giving more importance to the negative ones.
After all, giving more weight to the bad won’t get you anywhere.
Instead, celebrate all victories (even if they are the smallest ones) to rewire your brain and keep moving forward feeling invincible.
Now that you are aware of all the good things in your life, let’s declutter your mind.
On a day-to-day basis, our minds tend to flood with thoughts and feelings.
The fast-paced world we live in tends to make us experience more fatigue, stress, and anxiety, but, fortunately, meditation can help clear our minds.
A clear mind makes decisions that are not based on negativity or impulse.
Simply put, it works better.
Better decisions = more happiness.
And as rushing through your day is not the healthiest way of living, make some time in the morning to do a short meditation session (5 to 10’) to tackle the day ahead feeling calm, present, and opened up to new opportunities.

There are thousands of meditation sessions out there, but, if you’re new to this, focusing on your breathing is one of the most effective ways of meditating.
In your bed or on a yoga mat, sit in a comfortable position and take deep breaths, focusing on the air coming in and out of your lungs.
If your mind wanders, it’s ok!
Kindly shift your attention to your breathing again.
The daily practice of this simple mediation technique will help you develop a positive attitude that ultimately leads to the manifestation of your deepest desires.
A clear mind is ready to receive some positive affirmations that send a powerful message to the subconscious mind.
But…What on Earth are affirmations in the first place?
Affirmations are positive statements that you say out loud to yourself, to boost your self-esteem.
Sometimes, it’s so easy to blame ourselves for everything!
Let’s change that negative self-talk and replace it with some life-changing morning affirmations.
Here’s a list of positive affirmations you can repeat to yourself as part of your law of attraction morning routine:
- I’m enough
- I’m loved
- I’m abundant
- I’m worthy of happiness
- I can achieve whatever I set my mind to
- I’m powerful and strong
- I’m unstoppable
- I can finish what I start
- Today, I’m going to be productive
- I’m taking action towards my dream
- I am making progress every day
- I’m proud of myself
- Everything is possible
This list is just a means of inspiration for you; you can make your own affirmation if you feel like it!
The goal here is to repeat 5 to 10 times each statement to engrave the message in your subconscious and create a more resilient mindset.
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“If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it – then I can achieve it”.
This is a famous quote from Muhammad Ali that perfectly synthesizes the power of visualization.
This effective manifestation technique consists in imagining a specific desire vividly, using all your senses.
It could be the house of your dreams, a certain amount of money, a professional achievement, or the ideal partner, etc.
You can even make a vision board, filled with printed pictures and phrases that depict your dream.
Either way, when you create or see a clear picture of what you want, your brain believes it’s already yours.
This activates your Reticular Activating System, which filters out unnecessary information and reveals data and opportunities that you can use to achieve your goal (I’ll come back to this concept later in this post).
After your visualization session, you’ll feel empowered or much more focused on what you want.
Remember when you used to write in a diary when you were a kid?
Why not get back to that habit and enjoy its amazing benefits?
Journaling is so much more than putting pen to paper.
It’s a basic tool to do a brain dump and jot down your concerns, feelings, dreams, and goals to free up space in your brain.
After your visualization session, take your manifestation journal or a piece of paper and write about what you felt while visualizing.
What did you visualize? How did it feel? What is your plan to achieve your goals?
You can try free writing or these prompts to complete this task.
If this is the first time that you keep a journal, don’t censor yourself! Write as you think and don’t edit; it doesn’t need to be perfect.
You can also write about anything that comes to your mind; your writing is not limited to your dreams.
Use it as a catharsis tool to express your feelings and be present.
This will help you reduce stress and learn more about yourself, which ultimately contributes to your mental well-being.
Whether you write for one minute or three full pages, you’ll be ready to plan your day.
Writing Down Your Goals
“A dream without a plan is just a wish”. ― Katherine Paterson
Having dreams and thinking big is great, but not having the plan to manifest the life you want should be a crime!
How would you know what exact steps to take otherwise?
Your plan should be divided into four categories:
- Yearly goals
- Monthly tasks
- Weekly tasks
- Daily tasks
Dividing everything into smaller tasks makes attaining your goals much easier and faster, instead of having no guiding blueprint.
This will help you recognize visually the work that needs to be done PLUS how your day is going to look like.
You can play around with your schedule to fit all the tasks according to your possibilities.
Make sure to include ‘Me Time’ and family activities too!

The world is evolving by leaps and bounds.
And guess what happens with those who don’t adapt?
Yep, they are left behind.
What can you do to stay up to date and leverage the opportunities offered by this transformation?
Read as much as you can.
But I’m not talking about fiction books.
No. That would be like watching Netflix.
Rather, I’m talking about books that can sparkle new ideas, help you turn into an expert in a subject matter, or contribute to your self-growth.
For example, I’d never have decided to get control of my personal finance if I hadn’t read ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad‘, by Robert Kiyosaki.
Similarly, I’d never have taken the leap of faith and started an income-generating blog if I hadn’t read ‘Think & Grow Rich‘, by Napoleon Hill.
See? Books can open your mind to new ideas and that valuable information can give you an edge on pretty much anything.
Dedicate 10 to 30′ to the habit of reading mind-expanding books and then pass to the final step of this law of attraction morning routine: Mirror Work!
Mirror Work
Before getting down to your daily activities, let’s do some mirror work.
Looking at yourself for some minutes in the mirror, repeating positive mantras or simply becoming aware of each part of your face and body, is one of the best self-love habits that will help you boost your confidence and inner peace.
No judgments here, please. It’s you, witnessing and complimenting yourself, in your mind or out loud.
It doesn’t matter if it feels odd at the beginning; I can guarantee that it will become second nature to you!
The best part? You basically learn to tell your inner critic to shut up.
This is key to feeling empowered, loved, and ready to not only tackle the day ahead but also attract positive things into your life.
What Are The Golden Rules of Law Of Attraction?
When it comes to manifestation, there are certain rules of the law of attraction that you must follow to have success:
- Focus on a strong desire: be sure to set an intention and focus all your energy on what you want, rather than on what you don’t want.
- Don’t obsess over your goals: you are already abundant. Be patient and remain open to new opportunities. Flow with the Universe and let it do its job!
- Give out what you want to receive: remember that saying that goes ‘What you send out to the Universe returns to you three times’? Well, it’s true! Be sure to treat others the way you want to be treated, send out positive energy, and attract good things into your life.
- Watch your attitude: be careful with the words you say to yourself. Words, be they negative or positive, influence how you think and act, so avoid any kind of self-destructive inner speech.
- Take action: it’s okay to visualize what you want but it’s not enough. If you want your dreams to come true, you’ll have to put in lots of work and effort.

How Does The Reticular Activating System Affect Behaviour?
One of the reasons the law of attraction WORKS is your Reticular Activating System.
(That’s a pretty complex term for a very cool phenomenon!)
Hasn’t it ever happened to you that you learn a new word and then you start seeing it everywhere?
That’s your Reticular Activating System working its magic.
What it does is filter information, all the time.
So if you are focused on your goal, it will start working in your favor, eliminating unnecessary information and presenting you with opportunities and ideas that you would not have been able to identify if you did not have your mind fixed on your goal.
Your brain is an incredible machine.
Start using its superpowers to manifest your dreams!
This blog was all about the steps to creating the perfect Law Of Attraction Morning Routine.
Did you like it? Would you like to add more steps and ideas to this post?
Leave them in the comments; I’ll love to read them and update these tips.
Interested in more productivity tips? Check these posts!:
- Feeling stuck? Not with this Productive Summer Morning Routine
- How To Have a Productive Week: Tips for Jaw-dropping Results

Get Everything You Want With This Law Of Attraction Morning Routine

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